Thursday, May 1, 2008

ahhhh ello loves

oh where to begin?? well i just spent a frustrating 2 hours with my tap teachers and they yelled at us because the people who didn't know the dance weren't there and we have 2 more rehersals before recital week and then the concerts so yay. oh i can't wait! they are a wilson hall jmu on sat at 7 and sun at 3! ahhh my order is like this
Sat: Sun:
#3- jazz #3-jazz
#5-tap #5-tap
#13-becca's ballet #14-becca's ballet
#16-tappin co #17-drew's ballet
#18-drew's ballet #23-tappin co

i'm really mad because we are doing our really bad musical stage tappin co piece on sat and our really cool tap tappin co piece on sun so i defiantly want everybody to come sun.
soooo tomorrow is SPRINGFEST and i'm dreading EVERY minute of it! ahhhhh but everythings in order and i *think* we have everything unless... no i'm not even going to jinx it.
so tired goin to bed!

1 flying purple people eaters:

pocketz♥full♥of♥posiez said...

ya i used to take tap and my teacher was a pain
sumtimes she got on my last nerve