Thursday, March 27, 2008


so apperently i've been tagged by or just by the book brat herself! how exciting!
1/ you link back to the person who tagged you.
2/ post these rules on your blog.
3/ share six unimportant things about yourself.
4/ tag six random people at the end of your entry.
5/ let the tagged people know by leaving a comment on their blogs.


#1- I am hopelessly obesessed with HARRY POTTER!! in every form...books, movies, posters, anything! JK is so amazing and the fact that dan is totally off the charts hot helps too! of course my new obession is Twilight.

#2- I love music of any kind, i'm very open to pretty much everything that gets thrown my way and my mood definatly determines the kind of music i listen too. I would absolutly DIE without my ipod! how else do u survive in high school?!?!?

#3- I dance at my studio 7 1/2 hours a week and work my butt off... that is probably how i can afford to demolish an entire box of girl scout cookies and still look decently skinny, well skinny enought that my ballet teacher doesn't yell at me! always a rule breaker! anyways i have been dancing for something like 12 years (i'm not sure how long but that is a rough estimate!) and competing for about 3 and i can't get enough! I love to tap- it's my favorite for, kind of out of the ordaniry and unique. I can hear the sounds with any song and it's CRAZY! what got me started was when my mom and i took classes with my 2 best friends as a Mother/ Daughter tap class! it was so fun but my mom retired her taps a couple of years ago so the daughters are solo and pretty much blowing everybody away!

#4- i have 5 AMAZING friends and we all pass around a journal that we started doing the summer before 7th grade. together we spell aspak! it's so awesome!

#5- I have a thing for converse or chucks! i have a pair of orange ones with no laces and a black/aqua pair that have my name stitched into them. they were my birthday present from costumized!! i have other pairs that have been retired and i'm thinking about building a shelf and putting them all on it!

#6- the thing i ALWAYS have to buy whenever i go shopping is post- its! i use them all the time and i found out that they have highlighter with tag post-its on the ends! it makes me so excited! I have a post-it wall in my room too! it all started when i hated throwing them all away and i thought they looked so colorful and cool so i took my one side of my floor to celing bookshelf and started platering it with used post-its of all different colors and shapes. Now i have a really cool wall with things i wrote months ago decorating my room!

as you can see i'm quite eclectic!!

now for who i'm going to tag! YOU'RE IT!

1. Lexi at

2. Gretchen at

3. Grace at

4. Jenny at

5. Pocket full of Posies at

6.Chelsea at

ok so i'm done guys! have fun with this and i can't wait to learn more about u!

3 flying purple people eaters:

pocketz♥full♥of♥posiez said...

i got tagged by the book brat 2
but i was lazy at first
now u finally got me unlazy because you tagged me too
thanks anyways :)

Chelsea said...

um, yes. Who are you?

Anonymous said...

uh, I agree. Not that I'm not thrilled that someone was able to find me, but, how? And who are you?