yay- it's almost easter and that means CHOCOLATE!! the very thing that keeps me going... i luv chocolate bunnies especially! tomorrow we are having this little kid easter egg hunting really totally awesome thing and i'm so excited! i have to go decorate cupcakes for it so WOOT! still trying to decide what to wear- black and white w/ heels or w/flats or green w/heels. it's such a problem...
Friday, March 21, 2008
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9 flying purple people eaters:
hey pat... r u ok?? i'm getting alittle worried b/c u haven't replyed so yeah. i saw u this morning but u didn't stay long so i didn't get to say hola. just message me back asap so i know.
if u don't message back i'm going to call u way to early and make u pick up ur phone...i'll do it!! i really am worried b/c it's not like u TO IGNORE ME!! i'm impatiate- i know!
wow i didnt post on ur blog 4 a couple of days and its like the whole world has ended, but u never talk 2 me in school
con carino(w/ love),
person who makes u talk 2 urself
im sitting here dipping AMAZING girl scout cookies in my milk. yeah im one of those people. they are too good! How was ur track meet??!! kitty left me in gym and then it was no fun kickboxing (u read that right... I know??!! kickboxing!) WITHOUT HER. opps my caps was on... ne ways brittney walsh came into our gym class and took pictures so if there is some truly hidious picture of me in the yearbook u have to promise not to laugh, and i will just go to my little corner and cry about my bad pic so there!la de da de dddddaaaa. oh! how did your metal painting go?? we (me and paige and kitty and annan and kay) were in the lib. a lunch and we were sitting the back corner right under the mirror and Mrs. bates came back there and thought we were hiding guys or something so we could have our own privite make out sessions with the invisible guys so then when she saw we weren't hiding guys (well i mean where do u hide them in the lib...behind the bookshelf??!?!) she sat down and decided to join the girls only circle which made everthing a little weird so to prevent furter weirdness we dicided it would b the girls 16 and under club. cookies done...all gone...sad...going to go be a dancer out in my shop, which i will eventually make into my own studio with marley floors and full lenght mirrors and lots of bars. hehehe u have no idea what i'm talking about!
i don't know have to say anything in french that is cool (but i will ask, i always do! he's probably really tired of my stupid questions.)
c u tomorrow!
so bored...they shouldn't give us spring break... i didn't get to schedual...wow this isn't random or nething...
o i hate running lol i liked the 200 tho and hated the 400, i wanted to throw discus, but my name wasn't on the list (cry). i kind of know what u were talking about, i've seen movies w/ dance studios in them b4. mrs. bates is really wierd. can't wait 2 c ur pic, ill ask woodie 2 show it 2 me durring lunch (he works on yearbook)
we havent painted on metal yet but our poster is very musical and bright :) hehe
we cut out everything in our poster and traced it bcuase i didnt feel like drawing it agian lol how fun
o wait ♥ u and stop hiding ivisible boys behind bookshelves
although if they're invisible doesn't that defeat the purpose of hiding them
u shoudld wear green, bcuas its a happy color and easter is a happy time w/ lots of chocolate and black isnt a happy color, so dont wear it
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