Thursday, October 2, 2008

you know why i don't blog nemore??? i mean i check it but i don't write...
BECAUSE MY LIFE IS CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and i love it oddly enough. its like i run on this high speed and if u can't keep up then don't waste my precious (and i do mean VERY precious) time. i feel like i can't function if i don't have a million and one things to do all the time, its like i live for being out of my mind busy so i just keep signing up for committes and clubs and community service and leadership stuff and all that jazz which makes me obvioulsy stressed the majority of the time (ask anybody i hang out with- they will tell u true that i am CRAZY when i'm on a role) but i love it! until i hate it cuz i seriously cannot keep up with myself nemore!!!!!!
just got back from dance- sweaty and in lovvve with it!

1 flying purple people eaters:

Jen said...

haha, u and ur clubs and committees and school spirit! My new pic is not quite as scary as the old one, wouldn't ya say? lol!